A Stone’s Throw Knowledge Gateways

Flames from Fish Boil Overboil

Additional Resources: A Stone’s Throw

Are you a homeschooler or a parent who helps in your child’s (childrens’) educational progress? Congratulations! And welcome to A Stone’s Throw Knowledge Gateways page.

Here you will discover the wealth of practical knowledge contained within the pages of A Stone’s Throw. This free resource will help you to locate and reinforce those lessons woven throughout A Stone’s Throw which you’d like to help your young A Stone’s Throw reader grasp more fully. (For a brief introduction to A Stone’s Throw, please visit the A Stone’s Throw home page)

An example of BioFables’ 5-tier knowledge category structure:

    • 1. Core Disciplines: Science, Humanities, Values/Behaviors
      • 2. Knowledge Gateways (Color-coded examples: Earth/Space Science, History, Ethics/Morals)
        • 3.  Discovery Paths (Example: Geology, a Discovery Path of Earth/Space Science)
          • 4. Discovery Path Branches (Example: Geysers, a Discovery Path Branch of Geology)
            • 5. Knowledge Nuggets: Titles of specific mini- or pop-up lessons (Example: Geyser ingredients)

You and your young readers likely will be most interested in Tier 5, Knowledge Nuggets. The 5-tier structure will be helpful in tracing lessons back through the earlier tiers to their learning origins.

NOTE: Please be aware that tiers 2-5  are unique to each book; category names typically use words that children would understand (e.g. plants), rather than formal terminology (e.g. botany). In addition, the following lists and tables do not represent a complete list of Sciences, Humanities, and Values/Behaviors categories, but rather those that specifically appear in A Stone’s Throw.

Site Tips offers more insights into how you can use the tables, lists and other resources of this website to help you to help your children uncover the secrets of about 100 lessons scattered throughout each BioFables book.

The four sets of tables and lists on this page have been designed to help your children derive the greatest benefit from reading A Stone’s Throw:

      1. A Stone’s Throw Overview: Science, Humanities, Values/Behaviors
      2. Sciences content in A Stone’s Throw
      3. Humanities content in A Stone’s Throw
      4.  Values/Behaviors content in A Stone’s Throw

A Stone’s Throw Overview

TABLE 1, A Stone’s Throw Overview, is arranged chapter-by-chapter. It’s a good place to get a mental picture of  the entire book, especially the chapter descriptions and links to additional resources (child-friendly links are in orange). This table incorporates the three Core Disciplines, their Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths (Tiers 1-3).

The rows in the left column of the table, highlighted in light green, show the Chapter number and the chapter’s pages; following the highlighted row is a quick chapter overview and occasional resource links to relevant sites for further investigation (links to child-friendly sites are in orange).

The right column rows, highlighted in light green, show the chapter’s title. The chapter’s color-coded Knowledge Gateways, with their associated Discovery Paths, appear beneath each chapter title.

Table 1.  A Stone’s Throw Overview: Sciences, Humanities, and Values/Behaviors
CHAPTER: Page Numbers
Brief Chapter Description; Resource Links Knowledge Gateways (in color); Discovery Paths
Helpful Hints
  • Earth
    • Door County Islands
Chapter 1: Pages 1-8
Where is the Door in Door County?
Melody and Mallory learn an easy way to calculate the maximum distance you’re from the water when you’re on an irregularly-shaped island.
  • Physics
    • Optics
    • Mechanics
  • Earth
    • Geography
  • Math
    • Estimating
  • Society
    • Government
  • History
    • People
    • Times/Eras
  • Health
    • Food/Nutrition
  • Work/Careers; Role Models
    • Chemist
    • Wellness Instructor
  • Mind
    • Reasoning
  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills
    • Exploration, Observation, Discovery
    • Analytical Thinking
  • People
    • Friendly Manner
  • Planet
    • First Visit to Natural Sites
    • Enjoying Nature “Naturally”
Chapter 2: Pages 9-19
Washington Island: First Explorations
What do skipping stones across water, doing cannonballs into water (ouch!) and blowing up balloons have to do with each other? Demonstrating some laws of physics!

Bernoulli’s Principle: flow in narrow opening

  • Biology
    • Animals
  • Physics
    • Mechanics
  • Earth
    • Geography
  • Society
    • People Relationships
  • History
    • People
  • Health
    • Food/Nutrition
  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills
    • Sharing, Eliciting Knowledge
  • People
    • Friendly Manner
    • Respect
Chapter 3: Pages 20-26
An Even Smaller Island
Learn how lighthouse beacons can shine so far, and that the gravity that keeps you from floating away also pulls you down when you try to climb up hills or stairs.

History of lighthouses
Fresnel lenses & lighthouses, links
How Frasnel lenses work

  • Physics
    • Optics
    • Mechanics
  • Earth
    • Geography
  • Technology
    • Water Pump
  • Language
    • Word Derivations
    • Classic Literature
    • Traditional Sayings
  • History
    • Objects/Processes
  • Work/Careers; Role Models
    • Volunteer Docent
  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills
    • Sharing, Eliciting Knowledge
  • People
    • Gratitude
    • Helpfulness
Chapter 4: Pages 27-33
An Unplanned Delay
Grandpa badly twists his ankle. Will this be the end of the Maloney family’s fast-paced hikes and explorations?

Rock Island map
Locating International Space Station in the sky

  • Earth
    • Astronomy
  • Engineering
    • International Space Station
  • Society
    • People Relationships
  • Health
    • Pain and Injury
  • Arts
    • Music
    • Writing
  • Life Skills
    • Outdoors Abilities
  • Emotions
    • Self-Centeredness
  • Mind
    • Music/Arts Appreciation
  • Body
    • Healing Ability
  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills
    • Exploration, Observation, Discovery
    • Sharing, Eliciting Knowledge
  • People
    • Parental Responsibility
    • Respect
    • Helpfulness
    • Generosity
    • Concern for Others
Chapter 5: Pages 34-41
Another Day at Rock Island
Grandpa’s ankle mysteriously heals overnight. But it wasn’t due simply to good luck.
  • Biology
    • Plants
    • People
  • Engineering
    • Structures
  • History
    • People
    • Objects/Processes
  • Arts
    • Music
    • Writing
  • Life Skills
    • Outdoors Abilities
  • Emotions
    • Self-Centeredness
    • Concern for Others
    • Impetuousness
  • Mind
    • Music/Arts Appreciation
    • Ambition
  • Body
    • Healing Ability
  • People
    • Respect
    • Generosity
  • Planet
    • Appreciation for Nature’s Beauty
    • Observing Geophysical Events
Chapter 6: Pages 42-50
Back on Washington Island
So many sights to see, things to do when you’re on a trip. The twins’ Mom draws a map of the island , marks the farther away and closer in places to visit and suggests a plan.

Florence Nightingale
Stave Church

  • Earth
    • Geography
    • Space Science
  • Math
    • Counting
    • Statistics
  • Engineering
    • Structures
  • Language
    • Play on Words
  • History
    • People
  • Health
    • Recreation
  • Morals/Ethics
    • Honesty/Truth
  • Mind
    • Music/Arts Appreciation
    • Visualization
    • Organization
  • People
    • Parental Responsibility
    • Helpfulness
    • Concern for Others
  • Planet
    • Preservation, Protection, Restoration
    • Respect for Animals
    • Insights into Animal Behavior
Chapter 7: Pages 51-57
Fish Boil, Boiling Chips, …and Extremophiles?
As the fish boil pot over boiled, the twins’ Dad tells of his experience of a “boil over” in his lab. He learned the hard way what happens when you put cold boiling chips into a hot liquid.

Density of water

  • Biology
    • Plants
  • Chemistry
    • Reactions
    • Functions
  • Earth
    • Geography
    • Environment
  • Language
    • Storytelling
    • Traditional Sayings
  • History
    • Locations
  • Emotions
    • Sharing Personal Stories
  • Mind
    • Reasoning
  • Body
    • Healing Ability
  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills
    • Acquiring Knowledge
  • People
    • Respect
  • Planet
    • Preservation, Protection, Restoration
Chapter 8: Pages 58-60
Crossing Death’s Door a Second Time
The ferry back to the mainland passes a buoy that monitors and reports warnings of weather conditions that gave Death’s Door its name.

World-wide location of weather monitoring buoys

  • Earth
    • Weather
  • Technology
    • Buoys
  • Engineering
    • Transmitting Data to Satellites
  • Society
    • Family Relationships
  • Language
    • Sounds and Spelling
  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills
    • Acquiring Knowledge
  • People
    • Gratitude
Chapter 9: Pages 61-62
On the Way Back
Some stopovers on the leisurely drive back home: a restaurant with goats munching grass on its rooftop, watery caves along the shore and a lighthouse at the end of a long pier.
  • Physics
    • Optics
  • Earth
    • Geography
  • Body
    • Balance/Stability
  • Planet
    • Enjoying Nature “Naturally”
Chapter 10: Pages 63-64
Next Adventure: Discussing the “Loch”
A different kind of “fish story” awaits the Maloney family on its next adventure at a local farm with its reputation for a mini Loch Ness on its property.
  • Health
    • Nutrition
  • Work/Careers; Role Models
    • Retirement
  • Emotions
    • Disappointment

The Core Disciplines in A Stone’s Throw LIST 1 are presented with their Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths (Tiers 1-3) in side-by-side columns. We’ve grouped each of the Knowledge Gateways and their Discovery Paths into Basic (foundational knowledge), Hybrid (relevant both to Basic and Applied Discovery Paths), and Applied (using basic or hybrid principles for practical, real-world purposes).

LIST 1.  A Stone’s Throw Overview: Science, Humanities and Values/Behaviors


  • Biology
    • Plants
    • Animals
    • People
  • Chemistry
    • Function
    • Mix of Structure and Function
    • Molecules
  • Physics
    • Mechanics
    • Optics
    • Gravity
  • Earth, Space Science
    • Astronnomy
    • Geography
    • Geology
    • Environment


  • Math
    • Arithmetic
    • Estimating
    • Statistics


  • Technolgy
    • Physics Mechanics (Water Pumps, Buoys)
    • Physics: Optics (Fresnel Lenses)
  • Engineering
    • Physics; Math (Architecture)
    • Physics; Earth, Space Science; Math (Buoy Data Transmission)
    • Physics; Earth, Space Science; Math: Complex Systems International Spacer Station)


  • Society
    • Social Relationships
    • Family Relationships
    • Government (Local)
    • Traditions
  • Language
    • Sounds and Spelling
    • Word Derivations
    • Traditional Sayings
    • Classic Literature
  • History
    • Locations
    • People
    • Objects/Processes


  • Arts
    • Writing
    • Play on Words
    • Drawing
    • Singing
    • Creating, Building Things


  • Life Skills
    • Organizing
    • Technology in its Place
    • First Aid
    • Food
    • Memory Aids
  • Work, Careers
    • Wellness Guide
    • Chemist
    • Air Force Pilot (retired)
    • Innkeeper
    • Volunteer Docents
    • Weather Researcher, Monitor


  • Morals/Ethics
    • Honesty/Truth
  • Emotions
    • Self-Centeredness
    • Concern for Others
    • Impetuousness
    • Sharing Personal Stories
    • Disappointment
  • Mind
    • Reasoning
    • Music, Arts Appreciation
    • Ambition
    • Visualization
    • Organization
  • Body
    • Healing Ability
    • Balance/Stability


  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills
    • Exploration, Observation, Discovery
    • Sharing/Eliciting Knowledge
    • Analytical Thinking
    • Acquiring Knowledge


  • People
    • Parental Responsibiity
    • Friendly Manner
    • Respect
    • Gratitude
    • Helpfulness
    • Generosity
    • Concern for Others
  • Planet
    • First Visit to Natural Sites
    • Enjoying Nature “Naturally”
    • Respect for Earth, All Things Living on It
    • Observing Geophysical Events
    • Appreciation for Nature’s Beauty
    • Protection, Preservation
    • Respect for Animals
    • Insights into Animal Behavior


A Stone’s Throw SCIENCES Core Discipline

A Stone’s Throw LIST 2.  Sciences Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths
      • Biology: Plants; Animals; People
      • Chemistry: Function; Mix of structure and function
      • Physics: Mechanics; Optics; Heat and Temperature; Gravity
      • Earth, Space Science: Astronomy; Geography; Geology; Environment
      • Math: Arithmetic; Estimating; Statistics
      • Technology: Physics (Mechanics; Optics)
      • Engineering: Architecture (Physics; Math); Data transmission (Physics; Earth, Space Science; Math); Complex Systems: International Space Station  (Physics; Earth, Space Science; Math )

A Stone’s Throw TABLE 2 includes the major Sciences Knowledge Gateways (light green background) occurring in all the chapters of A Stone’s Throw.

The left column shows each Knowledge Gateway and one or more associated Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches, where they occur, appear indented below the major Discovery Path. These branches (and sometimes sub-branches) are divisions of the major Discovery Path; they represent increasingly-specific fields.

The right column offers brief definitions of each Sciences Knowledge Gateway. Following each Knowledge Gateway are Knowledge Nuggets (mini- or pop-up lessons). These lessons correspond to the Discovery Path and any Discovery Path Branches that appear directly across in the the left column.

A Stone’s Throw TABLE 2. SCIENCES Content
Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches Knowledge Nuggets: Mini- and Pop-up Lessons
BIOLOGY Life and living things
Plants Food crops: Rutabaga, potatoes {Ch. 5, p. 38}
Cultivated flowers: lavender {Ch. 6, pp. 45-46; Ch. 7, p. 52}
Animals Animal habitats; bird sanctuary {Ch. 6, p. 45; Ch. 7, p. 51}
People Extremophile traitQuick healing {Ch. 4, p. 32; Ch. 5, p. 34; Ch. 7, p. 57}
CHEMISTRY Substances, their structure, behavior, interactions
Function pH: Acidic conditions {Ch. 7, pp. 55-57}
Mix of structure and function Don’t want your liquid (non-food) to boil over? Use boiling chips! {Ch. 7, p. 56}
Oil and water don’t mix – or do they? {Ch. 7, p. 54}
Molecules Water density: how much salt did you add? {Ch. 7, pp. 53-54}
PHYSICS Properties and nature of matter and energy
Mechanics Stones don’t walk on water, but they can skip {Ch. 1, p. 4; Ch. 2, pp. 10-11}
Speed up air, water movement by narrowing outlets (Bernoulli’s Principle) {Ch. 2, pp. 15-16}
Optics How do lighthouse lights shine so far? Fresnel lenses! {Ch. 3, pp. 23-24}
Gravity What makes you fall down, not up {Ch. 3, p. 25; Ch. 4, p. 27}
EARTH, SPACE SCIENCE Related to planet Earth and beyond
Astronomy Look up to the night sky: International Space Station; Northern Lights {Ch. 4, pp. 30, 33; Ch. 6, p. 44}
Geography Continents, countries, oceans and other waters, and their features
    Locations Door County: Washington Island {Chs. 2, 6-7} Rock Island {Chs. 3-5}
Geology Earth’s physical structure, substance, history, processes
     Groundwater Underground springs {Ch. 2, p. 13}
Environment  Physical, chemical and biological conditions that  impact people, animals, plants and microbes
Natural, human impact {Ch. 1, p. 5; Ch. 6, pp. 47-48}
     Habitats Preservation and restoration {Ch. 2, pp. 13-14; Ch. 7, p. 51}
     Wind Direction the wind blows makes a difference {Ch. 1, p. 1; Ch. 2, pp. 16-17; Ch. 5, p. 39; ch. 8, pp. 59-60}
     Seasons Day length {Ch. 4, pp. 32-33; Ch. 5, p. 35}
MATH Numbers, quantities and analysis
Arithmetic Counting deer {Ch. 6, pp. 48-50}
Estimating A way to figure out the middle of an odd shape {Ch. 1, pp. 14-15}
Statistics Collect facts or numbers, then use different kinds of arithmetic to analyze them and explain why your idea is right or wrong {Ch. 6, pp. 42-43}
TECHNOLOGY Tools (products) and techniques using science
Physics: Mechanics Water pumps: valuable tools for reaching underground water for above-ground use Ch. 3, pp. 20-23}
Buoys: floating markers that show location of dangerous underwater hazards {Ch. 8, pp. 59-60}
Physics: Optics Fresnel lenses save lives by shining farther out in the water than simple magnifying glass can reach {Ch. 4, pp. 24-26}
ENGINEERING Application of technology
Architecture  (Physics, Math)
Stavkirche (Stave Church) has unusual multiple roof levels {Ch. 6, pp. 43-44; Ch. 7, p. 52}
Data transmission (Physics; Earth, Space Science; Math) Some buoys do more than mark hazards: monitor weather, send information they collect to satellites and land-based receivers {Ch. 8, pp. 59-60}
Complex systems (Physics; Earth, Space Science; Math ) The International Space Station combines lots of technology for lots of different purposes {Ch. 4, pp. 30, 33}

A Stone’s Throw Humanities Core Discipline

A Stone’s Throw LIST 3 is an at-a-glance bulleted list. It offers  a quick look at the Humanities Knowledge Gateways in bold, followed by their Discovery Paths that appear in A Stone’s Throw.

A Stone’s Throw LIST 3.  Humanities Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths
      • Society: Social Relationships; Family Relationships; Government; Traditions
      • Language: Sounds and Spelling; Word Derivations; Traditional Sayings; Classic Literature
      • History: Locations; Objects/Processes; People
      • Arts: Writing; Play on Words; Drawing; Singing, Music; Creating, Building Things
      • Life Skills: Organizing; Technology in its Place; First Aid; Food; Memory Aids
      • Work/Careers; Role Models:Wellness Guide; Chemist; Air Force Pilot (Retired); Innkeeper; Volunteer Docent; Weather Researcher, Monitor

A Stone’s Throw TABLE 3 includes the major Humanities Knowledge Gateways (light green background) occurring in all the chapters of A Stone’s Throw.

The left column shows each Knowledge Gateway and one or more associated Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches, where they occur, appear indented below the major Discovery Path. These branches (and sometimes sub-branches) are divisions of the major Discovery Path; they represent increasingly-specific fields.

The right column offers brief definitions of each Humanities Knowledge Gateway. Following each Knowledge Gateway are Knowledge Nuggets (mini- or pop-up lessons). These lessons correspond to the Discovery Path and any Discovery Path Branches that appear directly across in the the left column.

A Stone’s Throw TABLE 3.  Humanities Content
SOCIETY Community, Culture and People
Social Relationships Rufus attracts new (human) friends; the Maloneys enjoy his friends, too {Ch. 2, pp. 9-11, 17-19; Ch. 4, pp. 27-31; }
New friends share food and Death’s Door history at multi-family picnic {Ch. 2, pp. 15-17}
Staying in touch with new friends, enjoying family games {Ch. 6, pp. 48-50}
Family Relationships
No dessert for Mallory, who was just acting like a typical 7-year-old {Ch. 5, p. 40; Ch.6, p. 43}
Everyone learns a different side of Dad as he tells his “overboil” story {Ch. 7, pp. 55-57}
Government Bird sanctuary’s Land Trust is joined by school children planting native trees and bushes; other Land Trusts on Washington Island {Ch. 2, p. 13; Ch. 6, p. 45; Ch. 7, p. 51}
NOAA (pronounced like Noah, who built the ark); National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration {Ch. 8, pp. 59-60}
Local regulations prohibit removal of natural items found on public land {Ch. 3, p. 24}
Traditions Wow! greets the fish boil’s grand finale “overboil” {Ch. 7, pp. 56-57}
LANGUAGE Means of communication
Sounds and Spelling Fresnel lens (French) pronounced fre-nel {Ch. 3, p. 24}
Don’t confuse Pottawatomie Lighthouse with Potawatomi Native Americans {Ch. 3, p. 25}
Buoy: pronounced boo-eee (Dutch, German, Spanish) {Ch. 8, p. 59}
Word Derivations Port des Morts (French): Death’s Door in Door County, Wisconsin {Ch. 1, p. 1}
Docent: Teacher (Latin, later German) {Ch. 3, p. 23}
Stavkircke (Norwegian) Stave Church {Ch. 6 , p. 43}
Traditional Sayings “Time and tide wait for no man” (or, no one) {Ch. 3, p. 25}
“A watched pot never boils” {Ch. 7, pp. 53-54}
Classic Literature “Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink” {Ch. 3, p. 26}
HISTORY Information about the past
Locations French explorers to Door County learned the hard way how high winds and big waves can sink ships in narrow passages vs. open waters {Ch. 1, p. 1}
Native Americans lived on Little Lake on Washington Island more than 3,000 years ago; learn how the lake was formed {Ch. 2, pp. 11-14}
Wisconsin’s oldest lighthouse: Pottawatomie, on Rock Island {Ch. 3, p. 23}
Early settlers on Rock Island from Iceland found soil so poor that they could only grow rutabaga {Ch. 5, p. 38}
Rock Island’s stone boathouse is built in the manner of Reykjavik’s parliament building {Ch. 5, p. 38}
Washington Island’s Stavkirke replicates medieval-design Norwegian wooden churches using lots of layers and levels {Ch. 6, pp. 43-44}
Mallory is fascinated by Washington Island’s Maritime Museum and daydreams about Death’s Door {Ch. 6, p. 47}
The Historic Island Dairy boasts an art gallery, history exhibits; lavender from its fields is made into jams, vinegars, and even doggie bath (hmm,will Rufus like it?) {Ch. 6, pp. 45-46; Ch. 7, p. 52}
Objects/Processes Fresnel lens, used in lighthouses and magnifiers, was invented by French physicist {Ch. 3, pp. 24-25}
People Melody is compared to Nurse Florence Nightingale {Ch. 6, p. 48}
ARTS Creative skills and their expression
Writing Writing new words to familiar tunes {Ch. 4, p. 31, Ch. 5, p. 36}
Play on Words Chairs made of rock but aren’t rocking chairs {Ch. 2, pp. 11-12}
Make sure water is deep enough for a “cannonball” dive; don’t hit bottom with your bottom {Ch. 2, p. 18}
Whoever climbs down, must also climb back up {Ch. 3, p. 25}
A small rock was Grandpa’s downfall but Mallory observes that Grandpa did not fall down {Ch. 6, p. 42}
Nature preserve reminds Mallory of food (fruit preserves) {Ch. 7, p. 31}
“Ready to drive off into the sunrise?” Mom asks at dawn (Mallory reminds her that the saying is usually drive off into the sunset {Ch. 8, p. 58}
Loch Ness monster? “Sounds pretty fishy to me,” Dad says {Ch. 10, pp. 63-64}
Drawing Melody tries drawing the Stavkirke the family visited {Ch. 6, p. 44}
Singing Singing new words to On Top of Old Smoky and When Irish Eyes are Smiling {Ch. 4, p. 31, Ch. 5, p. 36}
Creating, Building Thigs Visitors to Schoolhouse Beach enjoy rock creations left by earlier visitors {Ch. 1, pp. 4-5; Ch. 2, p. 9}
LIFE SKILLS Practical abilities for attending to everyday needs
Organizing Grandpa orchestrates an orderly dinner sharing/tasting {Ch. 1, p. 6}
Technology in its Place Lights from beacons, lighthouses , even buildings can serve as visual compasses and even GPS {Ch. 1, p. 7; Ch. 3, p. 24}
First aid Is it a broken bone, or a bad sprain? {Ch. 4, pp. 27-32}
Wet towels can keep a sprain’s swelling down {Ch. 4, pp. 27-28, 30}
Food Why shake an oil-and-vinegar salad dressing? {Ch. 7, p. 54}
Memory aids Drawing, writing notes to yourself {Ch. 1, p. 7; Ch. 6, p. 44; Ch. 7, p. 55}
WORK, CAREERS Productive activity to earn an income or give back to society
Wellness Guide Mom’s attention to her family’s healthy eating is an extension of her work {Ch. 1, p. 3}
Chemist Dad describes his own “overboil” experience at a school lab {Ch. 7, p. 55-57}
Air Force Pilot (retired) Grandpa makes use of skills developed from several careers {Ch. 1, pp. 1, 5-8; Ch. 2, pp. 15-17; Ch. 3, pp. 24, 25; Ch. 4, p. 36}
Innkeeper The family appreciates Tom and Karen’s third-generation hospitality {Ch. 1, pp. 6-8}
Volunteer Docent Volunteer docents (tour guides) Louise and Brian {Ch. 3, p. 23; Ch. 4.; Ch. 5, pp. 34-36}
Weather Researcher, Monitor Ms. Kate is part of a NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric team {Ch. 8, pp. 59-60}

A Stone’s Throw Values/Behaviors Core Discipline

A Stone’s Throw LIST 4 is an at-a-glance bulleted list. It offers a quick look at the Values/Behaviors Knowledge Gateways in bold, followed by their Discovery Paths that appear in A Stone’s Throw.

A Stone’s Throw LIST 4.  Values/Behaviors Discovery Paths and Knowledge Branches
      • Morals/Ethics: Honesty/Truth
      • Emotions: Self-Centeredness; Concern for Others; Impetuousness; Sharing Personal Stories; Disappointment
      • Mind:Reasoning; Music, Arts Appreciation; Ambition; Visualization; Organization
      • Body: Healing Ability; Balance/Stability
      • Learning/Knowledge/Skills: Exploration, Observation, Discovery; Analytical Thinking; Sharing, Eliciting Knowledge; Acquiring Knowledge
      • People: Parental Responsibility; Friendly Manner; Respect, Gratitude; Helpfulness; Generosity; Concern for Others
      • Planet: First Visit to Natural Sites; Enjoying Nature “Naturally”; Appreciation for Nature’s Beauty; Observing Geophysical Events; Protection, Preservation; Respect for Animals; Insights into Animal Behavior

A Stone’s Throw TABLE 4 includes the major Values/Behaviors Knowledge Gateways (light green background) occurring in all the chapters of A Stone’s Throw.

The left column shows each Values/Behaviors Knowledge Gateway and one or more associated Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches, where they occur, appear indented below the major Discovery Path. These branches (and sometimes sub-branches) are divisions of the major Discovery Path; they represent increasingly-specific fields.

The right column offers brief definitions of each Values/Behaviors Knowledge Gateway. Following each Knowledge Gateway are Knowledge Nuggets (mini- or pop-up lessons). These lessons correspond to the Discovery Path and any Discovery Path Branches that appear directly across in the the left column.

A Stone’s Throw TABLE 4.  Values/Behaviors Content
Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches Knowledge Nuggets: Mini and Pop-up Lessons
Internal character, beliefs
Honesty/Truth Game players trade score sheets, trusting in the honor system {Ch. 6, p. 49}
EMOTIONS Feelings, sentiment, intuition
Self-Centeredness “What’s for supper?” Mallory asks when lighthouse docents arrange for overnight stay when Grandpa injures his ankle {Ch. 4, p. 29}
Mallory feels sorry for himself when Mom scolds him for his disobedience instead of worrying if he was hurt {Ch. 5, p. 40}
Concern for Others Grandpa’s accident helped reveal to him Melody’s healing powers, but decides not to say anything yet {Ch. 4, p. 37}
Impetuousness Mallory’s attempt to “ride the wave” on the ferry ride back doesn’t end well {Ch. 5, pp. 39-40}
Sharing Personal Stories Dad says the “overboil” reminds him of a laboratory overboil he mistakenly caused at school {Ch. 7, pp. 55-57}
Disappointment Grandpa regrets not taking his son fishing more often when he was growing up {Ch. 10, pp. 63-64}
 63-64}MIND Rational, theoretical, analytical thinking
Reasoning Melody wonders how rocks could be hard and soft at the same time {Ch. 1, pp. 10-11}
Mallory figures out that if salt makes water more dense, the fish oil is less dense {Ch. 7, p. 53}
Music, Arts Appreciation Lighthouse docents sing a song they’ve written in honor of Grandpa {Ch. 4, p. 31}
Grandpa sings a song he composed as a thanks and goodby to the lighthouse docents {Ch. 5, p. 36}
The Stavkirk building has special appeal for Grandpa {Ch. 6, p. 44}
Melody sketches the layered roof of the Stave Church {Ch. 6, p. 44}
Ambition Mallory wishes there was more time to learn about Icelandic explorer Thordarson {Ch. 5, p. 38}
Visualization Mallory overhears divers talking, imagines pirates and sunken treasure {Ch. 6, p. 43}
Mallory daydreams about sailors and their boats during dangerous storms {Ch. 6, p. 47}
Organization Mom suggests marking the places to visit and Dad suggests working backwards from the fish boil site {Ch. 6, p. 46}
Health, bodily strengh and movement
Healing Ability Melody’s cool hands seem to pull the heat from Grandpa’s sprained ankle {Ch. 6, p. 42}
Brian thinks Melody has a special healing touch {Ch. 5, p. 34}
The twins think that Dad may be an extremophile, too {Ch. 7, p. 57}
Balance/Stability Mallory says his walk along the edge of a long lighthouse pier was the best he ever took {Ch. 9, p. 61}
Pursuit and acquisition of understanding, wisdom, capabilities
Exploration, Observation, Discovery Grandpa says our brains are more active when we use our own senses rather than relying on GPS, other apps {Ch. 3, p. 24}
The twins learn how to use a compass to find the direction of the setting sun {Ch. 4, p. 33}
Analytical Thinking Mr. Tom’s map helps Melody and Mallory both figure out how far you can be from water on Washington Island {Ch. 1, pp. 7-8}
Sharing, Eliciting Knowledge Grandpa explains with questions why so many ships sunk in Death’s Door {Ch. 2, pp. 15-17}
Louise, a volunteer docent at the Rock Island Lighthouse explains lighthouse functions {Ch. 3, pp. 23-25}
The lighthouse docents point out the International Space Station in the darkened sky {Ch. 4, pp. 30, 33}
Acquiring Knowledge Learning about lavender, potatoes and more at Washington Island’s historic Dairy {Ch. 7, p. 52}
A NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) buoy on the ferry trip back has lots of monitoring, safety functions {Ch. 8, pp. 59-60}
PEOPLE Regard for, and relationships with, humankind
Parental Responsibility Mom chides Mallory for asking about supper instead of being concerned about Grandpa’s injured ankle {Ch. 4, p. 29}
Mom warns Melody not to tease her brother or she’ll go without dessert as well {Ch. 6, p. 43}
Friendly Manner Mom invites their hosts to join them at dinner to learn more about Washington Island {Ch. 1, pp. 5-6}
Ms. Karen offers to give the family their cook’s special perch recipe {Ch. 1, p. 7}
New friends want to show the twins a “stone city” {Ch. 2, pp. 11-12}
Respect Mom apologizes to their new friends, tells the twins “you can learn better with your ears than with your mouth” {Ch. 2, p. 13}
Mom’s new friend assures Melody she was not one of the “little ones” who would be safe in the shallow water {Ch. 2, p. 14}
Grandpa accepts docents’ decisions on lighthouse policies regarding his injury {Ch. 4, p. 28}
Grandpa removes and neatly folds the bedding he used in the unexpected overnight stay {Ch. 5, p. 34}
Despite being a chemist, Dad asks questions for the fish boilers to answer for the visitors {Ch. 7, p. 53}
The Master Boiler tells Grandpa they don’t often hear the joke about “a watched pot never boils” {Ch. 7, p. 54}
Gratitude Mallory appreciates Grandpa’s offer to take over his job of pumping water from underground {Ch. 3, p. 22}
Everyone is grateful for Grandpa’s gift of this vacation that opened the door to new insights into family members {Ch. 8, p. 58}
Helpfulness Mr. Tom warns not to miss the last ferry back from Rock Island, as no food or inns are available {Ch. 3, p. 20}
A ferry passenger warns of big waves {Ch. 3, p. 21}
Lighthouse docents bring first-aid for Grandpa’s swollen ankle {Ch. 4, pp. 27-28}
Even Grandpa helps clean up after dinner at the lighthouse {Ch. 4, p. 30}
Ms. Karen doesn’t mind recommending a competitor’s restaurant {Ch. 6, p. 43}
A Welcome Center guide suggests places to visit after asking Dad to mark a map of places they’ve already been to {Ch.  6, pp. 45, 47}
Generosity Grandpa intends to replace even the dog food that Rufus ate during their unexpected stay and write letters of commendation for the docents  {Ch. 5, p. 45}
Concern for Others Grandpa doesn’t let on that his ankle isn’t getting any better {Ch. 4, p. 31}
Bobby consoles the twins, saying his team’s first time playing they got lots less than their team {Ch. 6, p. 49}
PLANET Earth’s natural environment: living organisms, water, surface, subsurface, atmosphere
First Visit to Natural Sites Door County, Wisconsin: Washington {Ch. 2} and Rock Islands {Chs. 4, 5}
Enjoying Nature “Naturally” The family’s time outdoors is “screen-free” {Ch. 1, pp. 6-7}
On the drive home, the family looks at exploring options: waves, caves, beaches, lighthouses {Ch. 9}
Appreciation for Nature’s Beauty Grandpa and the docent Brian admire the sunrise {Ch. 5, p. 34}
Observing Geophysical Events The compass locations of sunset and the next day’s sunrise holds a surprise {Ch. 4, pp. 32-33}
Protection, Preservation Government, from local and state to federal, create programs for wetlands and other natural areas {Ch. 6, p. 47}
More than 200 species of birds make Washington Island their home, thanks to a Land Trust {Ch. 2, p. 13, Ch. 7, p. 51}
Respect for Animals A game of deer “hunting” with no shooting {Ch. 6, pp. 48-50}
Insights into Animal Behavior Deer try to escape insect bites by leaving woods for open areas, like roads {Ch. 6, p. 50}

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