E-I-E-I-Uh Oh Knowledge Gateways

Photo of hand water pump

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Are you a homeschooler or a parent who helps in your child’s (childrens’) educational progress? Congratulations! And welcome to E-I-E-I-Uh Oh Knowledge Gateways.

Here you will discover the wealth of practical knowledge contained within the pages of E-I-E-I-Uh Oh. This free resource will help you to locate and reinforce those lessons woven throughout E-I-E-I-Uh Oh which you’d like to help your young E-I-E-I-Uh Oh reader grasp more fully. (For a brief introduction to E-I-E-I-Uh Oh, please visit the E-I-E-I-Uh Oh home page)

A reminder of BioFables’ 5-tier knowledge category structure:

    • 1. Core Disciplines: Sciences, Humanities, Values/Behaviors
      • 2. Knowledge Gateways (Color-coded examples: Biology, History, Ethics/Morals)
        • 3.  Discovery Paths (Example: Geography, a Discovery Path of Earth, Space Science)
          • 4. Discovery Path Branches (Example: Climate zones, a Discovery Path Branch of Geography)
            • 5. Knowledge Nuggets: Titles of specific mini- or pop-up lessons (Example: World areas defined by temperature and precipitation)

You and your young readers likely will be most interested in Tier 5, Knowledge Nuggets. The 5-tier structure will be helpful in tracing lessons back through the earlier tiers to their learning origins.

NOTE: Please be aware that tiers 2-5  are unique to each book; category names typically use words that children would understand (e.g. plants), rather than formal terminology (e.g. botany). In addition, the following lists and tables do not represent a complete list of Sciences, Humanities and Values/Behaviors categories, but rather those that specifically appear in E-I-E-I-Uh Oh.

Site Tips offers more insights into how you can use the tables, lists and other resources of this website to help you to help your children uncover the secrets of about 100 lessons scattered throughout each BioFables book.

The four sets of tables and lists on this page have been designed to help your children derive the greatest benefit from reading E-I-E-I-Uh Oh:

      1.  E-I-E-I-Uh Oh Overview: Sciences, Humanities, Values/Behaviors
      2.  Sciences content in E-I-E-I-Uh Oh
      3.  Humanities content in E-I-E-I-Uh Oh
      4.   Values/Behaviors content in E-I-E-I-Uh Oh

E-I-E-I-Uh Oh Overview

TABLE 1. E-I-E-I-Uh Oh Overview, is arranged chapter-by-chapter. It’s a good way to get a mental picture of  the entire book, especially the chapter descriptions and links to additional resources (child-friendly links are in orange). This table incorporates the three Core Disciplines, their Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths (Tiers 1-3).

The rows in the left column of the table, highlighted in light green, show the Chapter number and the chapter’s pages; following the highlighted row is a quick chapter overview and occasional resource links to relevant sites for further investigation (links to child-friendly sites are in orange).

The right column rows, highlighted in light green, show the chapter’s title. The chapter’s color-coded Knowledge Gateways, with their associated Discovery Paths, appear beneath each chapter title.

Table 1.  E-I-E-I-Uh Oh Overview: Sciences, Humanities, Values/Behaviors
CHAPTER: Page Numbers
Brief Chapter Description; Resource Links Discovery Paths; Knowledge Branches
Helpful Hints
  • Earth, Space Science
    • Environment
  • Society
    • Family relationships
Chapter 1: Pages 1-5
And Lettuce Seeds All in a Row

Family trees and gardens grow a lot quieter than Yellowstone’s whooshing geysers, but all of them are natural wonders.

Equal, Less than, Greater than, Symbols

  • Math
    • Symbols
  • Society
    • Family relationships
  • Life Skills
    • Gardening
  • Work/Careers; Role Models
    • Farming
Chapter 2: Pages 6-9 A Car of the Future?

Even Rufus (woof) gets to go on a 300-mile test drive of an experimental “clean air” car while the rest of the Maloney family learn about the fuel cells that power it.

    • Chemistry
      • Molecules
      • Elements
    • Earth, Space Science
      • Environment
Chapter 3: Pages 10-15 Down to Earth

Seven-year-old Melody and Mallory explain to Aunt Martha what they learned about pH at Yellowstone, while Uncle Frank reveals what causes that nice “after-rain” smell.

How Fuzzy Logic Rice Cookers Work

Testing pH of Soil Using Kitchen Ingredients

    • Biology
      • Microbes/Bacteria
      • Animals
      • People
    • Chemistry
      • Functions
    • Values/Behaviors
      • People
Chapter 4: Pages 16-22 Brrr!

Mallory loves the cold, but getting trapped inside an icy meat locker? Could he be a cold-loving “extremophile” (on the other extreme that his sister discovered at Yellowstone?

Why Does Skin Stick to Cold Things?

    • Biology
      • Animals
    • Physics
      • Mechanics
    • Life Skills
      • Calm Reasoning
      • Gardening
    • Morals/Ethics
      • Family Loyalty
Chapter 5: Pages 23-29
A Chicken in Every Pot
Mallory and Melody learn first-hand how chicken dinners start with catching chickens, not with a trip to the grocery store. And that you can pump water out of the ground instead of turning on a faucet.

What Is the Water Table?
How Does a Hand Pump Work?
Plant Hardiness Zones
How to Pluck a Chicken

    • Biology
      • Animals
    • Physics
      • Mechanics
    • Earth, Space Science
      • Geology
      • Geography
    • Language
      • Word Derivations
    • Life Skills
      • Food, Cooking
      • Outdoor
Chapter 6: Pages 30-37 A Farm Chore Turns Fun
Tradition and advanced technology are part of farm life, such as hand-milking cows the old fashioned way and steaming vegetables using a “fuzzy-logic” cooker.

How to Milk a Cow

    • Physics
      • Optics
    • Earth, Space Science
      • Meterology
    • Society
      • Farming life
    • Work/Careers; Role Models
      • Software engineering
    • Values/Behaviors
      • Sharing household chores
Chapter 7: Pages 38-41 Dark!
On a dark, clear night, you don’t need a compass to know which direction is north, or a watch to tell time. The twins enjoy Uncle Frank’s story about how the Milky Way came about.

Finding the North Star in the Sky

    • Earth, Space Science
      • Astronomy
    • Arts
      • Writing
      • Telling Stories
    • Life Skills
      • Outdoors
Chapter 8: Pages 42-47 Back to Familiar Life
The twins learn that “dry” ice isn’t ice at all, but it’s a lot colder than ice made from ordinary H2O. They also learn that Grandpa was an airplane pilot during his military days.

What Is Dry Ice? (Links, including child-friendly)

    • Biology
      • Microbes/Bacteria
      • People
    • Chemistry
      • Molecules
    • Physics
      • Temperature
    • Earth, Space Science
      • Environment
    • Sociology
      • Traditions
    • Language
      • Play on Words
    • Work/Careers; Role Models
      • Airplane Pilot
      • Retirement
Next Adventure: Pages 48-52
On a black mat, the twins arrange stones, then connect them with string, and sprinkle sugar to create a portion of the night sky’s BIG picture.
    • Earth, Space Science
      • Environment
    • Language
      • Play on Words
    • Health
      • Aging
      • Food and Nutrition
    • Arts
      • Creating, Building Things
    • Life Skills
      • Gardening
    • People
      • Generosity
      • Gratitude

The Core Disciplines in E-I-E-I-Uh Oh LIST 1 are presented with their Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths (Tiers 1-3) in side-by-side columns. We’ve grouped each of the Knowledge Gateways and their Discovery Paths into Basic (foundational knowledge), Hybrid (relevant both to Basic and Applied Discovery Paths), and Applied (using basic or hybrid principles for practical, real-world purposes).



  • Biology
    • Microbes/Bacteria
    • Plants
    • Animals
    • People
  • Chemistry
    • Molecules
    • Elements
    • Forms
    • Functions
  • Physics
    • Mechanics
    • Heat, Temperature
  • Earth, Space Science
    • Astronomy
    • Geography
    • Geology
    • Environment


  • Math
    • Symbols
    • Software


  • Technolgy
    • Physics (Mechanics)
  • Engineering
    • Math (Software)


  • Society
    • Family Relationships
    • People Relationships
    • Farming Life
  • Language
    • Word Derivations
    • Traditional Sayings
  • Health
    • Exercise
    • Agility
    • Physical
    • Aging


  • Arts
    • Writing
    • Play on Words
    • Story Telling
    • Drawing
    • Singing, Music
    • Creating, Building Things


  • Life Skills
    • Gardening
    • Growing Things
    • Outdoors
    • Food
    • Mental Shortcuts
    • Technology in its Place
  • Work/Careers; Role Models

    • Farmer
    • Food Chemist
    • Air Force Pilot
    • Butcher


  • Morals/Ethics
    • Honesty/Truth
    • Family Loyalty
  • Emotions
    • Sense of Humor
    • Anticipation
    • Patience
    • Self-Satisfaction
    • Concern for Others
    • Serenity
  • Mind
    • Calmly Assessing a Situation
    • Intuition
  • Body
    • Healthy Aging
    • Balance/Stability


  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills
    • Aquiring Knowledge
    • Sharing Knowledge


  • People
    • Respect
    • Generosity
    • Helping with Chores
    • Friendly Atmosphere
    • Hospitality
  • Planet
    • Research
    • Pollution
    • Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle

The next three sets of lists and tables compile the Sciences, Humanities and Values/Behaviors content for the entire E-I-E-I Uh Oh book.  Bulleted lists of Knowledge Gateways, with their associated Discovery Paths, offer a quick glance at category tiers 1-3 appearing in E-I-E-I Uh Oh. Their associated tables incorporate all 5 category tiers, including brief definitions of the Knowledge Gateways and instances of the specific Knowledge Nuggets (lessons) within each Core Discipline.


E-I-E-I Uh Oh SCIENCES Core Discipline

E-I-E-I Uh Oh List 2 is an at-a-glance bulleted list. It offers a quick look at the Sciences Knowledge Gateways in bold, followed by their Discovery Paths that appear in E-I-E-I Uh Oh.

E-I-E-I Uh Oh List 2Sciences Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths
  • Biology: Microbes/Bacteria; Plants; Animals; People
  • Chemistry: Molecules; Elements; Forms; Functions
  • Physics: Mechanics; Heat and Temperature
  • Earth, Space Science: Astronomy; Geography; Geology; Environment
  • Math: Symbols; Software
  • Technology: Physics (Mechanics)
  • Engineering: Math (Software)

E-I-E-I Uh Oh Table 2 includes the major Sciences Knowledge Gateways (light green background) occurring in all the chapters of E-I-E-I Uh Oh.

The left column shows each Knowledge Gateway and one or more associated Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches, where they occur, appear indented below the major Discovery Path. These branches (and sometimes sub-branches) are divisions of the major Discovery Path; they represent increasingly-specific fields.

The right column offers brief definitions of each Sciences Knowledge Gateway. Following each Knowledge Gateway are Knowledge Nuggets (mini- or pop-up lessons). These lessons correspond to the Discovery Path and any Discovery Path Branches that appear directly across in the the left column.

E-I-E-I-Uh Oh TABLE 2.  SCIENCES Content
Knowledge Branches
Knowledge Nuggets; Pop-up Lessons
BIOLOGY Life and living things
Microbes/Bacteria Soil bacteria: used in antibiotics, cause of “after-rain” smell {Ch. 3, pp. 11-12}
Extremophiles: could a little boy be an extremophile? {Ch. 8, pp. 43-44}
Plants Planting a vegetable garden {Ch. 1, pp. 1-4; Ch. 4, p. 21; Next Adventure, pp. 48-49}
Animals It’s 4:30 AM. Time to milk the cows! Cow eyes, sausage ingredients {Ch. 3, p. 10; Ch. 6, p. 30; Ch. 4, p. 21}
People Declining eyesight: Often due to aging {Ch. 2, p. 8}
CHEMISTRY Substances, their structure, behavior, interactions
Elements Hydrogen fuel: not as scary as it sounds {Ch. 2, pp. 6-8; Ch. 8, p. 47}
Molecules Water: liquid that all of biology needs to live; comes from rain, groundwater {Ch. 1, p. 5; Ch. 2, pp. 6-7; Ch. 3, p. 13; Ch. 5, pp. 24-26; Ch. 8, p. 42, 45}
Forms Dry ice is carbon dioxide in solid form; it doesn’t melt, but sublimes (goes from solid to gas form) {Ch. 8, pp. 44-45}
Functions pH: Chemical condition of a solution, from 0 to 14 (H2O = 7, neutral) {Ch. 3, p. 13}
PHYSICS Properties and nature of matter and energy
Mechanics Suction (partial vacuum) raises water to a higher level {Ch. 5, p. 24}
Heat, Temperature How cold is cold? Temperature of “dry ice” {Ch. 8, pp. 44-45}
Low temperature alert! Bare skin can stick to cold surfaces {Ch. 4, p. 17-18}
Related to planet Earth and beyond
Astronomy Above Earth: space, planets and stars, the universe
     Stars, planets  Telling time by movement of stars in the sky {Ch.7, pp. 39-40}
Geography Continents, countries, oceans and other waters, and their features
     Farming Experiencing first-hand how a farm family practices agriculture (a fancy word for growing crops and raising animals for food) {Chs. 3-7}
     Climate zones Areas of the world defined by temperature and precipitation {Ch. 5, pp. 28-29}
Geology Earth’s physical structure, substance, history, processes
     Groundwater Walk on a water table: underground water held in a layer of porous rock or other materials, called an aquifer {Ch. 5, pp. 24-26}
     Geysers  Impact on groundwater depends on rain, rivers, other natural ways of replenishing eruption of water {Ch. 4, p. 25}
Environment  Physical, chemical and biological conditions that  impact people, animals, plants and microbes
Reducing harmful substances in cars: clean fuel {Ch. 2, pp. 6-8; Ch. 3, p. 5; Ch. 4, p. 1; Ch. 8, p. 47; Next Adventure, p. 48}
MATH Numbers, quantities and analysis
Symbols Marks take a lot less space than writing “greater than” and “less than” {Ch. 1, p. 5}
Software “Fuzzy logic” software is used in many products we use very day {Ch. 3, p. 11; Ch. 6, pp. 36-37}
TECHNOLOGY Tools (products) and techniques using science
Physics: Mechanics Get water out of the ground with a hand pump {Ch. 5, p. 24}
ENGINEERING Application of technology
Math: Software engineering
Using computer science to improve or fix problems arising from programs and other information used by computers {Ch. 6, p. 37}


E-I-E-I Uh Oh List 3  is an at-a-glance bulleted list. It offers a quick look at the Humanities Knowledge Gateways  in bold, followed by their  Discovery Paths that appear in E-I-E-I Uh Oh.

E-I-Uh Oh LIST 3.  Humanities Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths
  • Society: Family Relationships; People Relationships; Farming Life
  • Language: Word Derivations; Traditional Sayings
  • Health: Exercise, Agility; Physical; Aging
  • Arts: Writing; Play on Words; Story Telling; Drawing; Singing, Music; Creating, Building Things
  • Life Skills: Gardening, Growing Thigs; Outdoors; Food; Mental Shortcuts; Technology in its Place
  • Work, Careers: Farmer; Food Chemist; Air Force Pilot (retired); Butcher

E-I-E-I Uh Oh TABLE 3 includes the major Humanities Knowledge Gateways (light green background) occurring in all the chapters of E-I-E-I Uh Oh.

The left column shows each Knowledge Gateway and one or more associated Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches, where they occur, appear indented below the major Discovery Path. These branches (and sometimes sub-branches) are divisions of the major Discovery Path; they represent increasingly-specific fields.

The right column offers brief definitions of each Humanities Knowledge Gateway. Following each Knowledge Gateway are Knowledge Nuggets (mini- or pop-up lessons). These lessons correspond to the Discovery Path and any Discovery Path Branches that appear directly across in the the left column.

Knowledge Branches
Knowledge Nuggets; Pop-Up Lessons
Community, Cluture, and People
Family Relationships
Mom calls Grandpa Dad, even though he’s her husband’s father (affectionate terms of address) {Helpful Hints; Ch. 5, p. 29; Ch. 8, p. 46; Next Adventure, p. 48, 49}
Twins call Mom’s cousin and his wife uncle and aunt as terms of respect (polite terms of address with extended family) {Helpful Hints; Ch. 1, p. 1; Chs. 3-8}
How to read a family tree diagram {Ch. 1, pp. 2-3}
Everyone shares in doing household chores {Ch. 6, p. 35; Ch. 8, pp. 42-43}
Social Relationships
Twins call local butcher Mr. Jake (polite terms of address with elders)  {Ch. 4, pp. 17, 19-21; Ch. 5, p. 28; Ch. 6, p. 31 ; Ch. 8, p. 44}
Farming Life
Need to get up early to milk the cows {Ch. 3, p. 10; Ch. 5, p. 29; Ch. 6, p. 30, 32, 35}
Robust farm-style midday meal, much from the “kitchen garden” {Ch. 4, p. 21}
LANGUAGE Means of communication
Word Derivations Carpe diem: (Latin) seize the day, or “don’t let a good opportunity get away” {Ch. 1, p. 5}
Aquifer: (Latin) aqui water and fer bearing, so water-bearing (rock or other material) {Ch. 5, pp. 25-26}
Traditional Sayings “Red sky in the morning…Red sky at night…” {Ch. 6, pp. 33-34}
“Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight…” {Ch. 7, p. 39}
“Minutes of care, years of wear” {Ch. 7, p. 38}
“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise” {Ch. 5, p. 29}
HEALTH Level of well-being
Exercise, Agility Taking breaks on a long car trip {Ch. 2, p. 9; Ch. 8, p. 43}
You’ve got to be quick to catch a chicken for dinner {Ch. 5, pp. 26-27}
Physical A day in the fresh air and sleepiness seem to go together {Ch. 5, p. 29}
Short daytime naps help drowsiness from an early wake time {Ch. 6, p. 35}
Aging Poor eyesight from cataracts, other conditions {Next Adventure, p. 50}
ARTS Creative skills and their expression
Writing Dad composes a poem on the farm’s dark, star-splashed sky {Ch. 7, pp. 40-41}
Play on Words Understanding the big picture of the night sky {Next Adventure, p. 50}
Story Telling What does a pail of milk have to do with the Milky Way? {Ch. 7, p. 39}
Drawing Mallory shows Uncle Frank his drawing on how a geyser works {Ch. 5, p. 25}
Uncle Frank shows how an aquifer is like a big sponge that holds water {Ch. 5, p. 25}
Singing, Music What do “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and “Baa, Baa Black Sheep” have in common? {Try singing both!}
Creating, Building Things Creating a star map with stones and string {Next Adventure, pp. 51-52}
Taking a photo to preserve a memory {Next Adventure, pp. 51-52}
LIFE SKILLS Practical abilities for attending to everyday needs
Gardening, Growing Things Understanding plant life cycles (and patience) to nutrition, and exercise to saving money and a whole lot more benefits {Ch. 1, p. 1, 4; Ch. 2, p. 6; Ch. 4, p. 21; Next Adventure, p. 48-49}
Outdoors Discovering that the bacteria in the soil causes that “after rain smell” and learning of their uses in food and antibiotics {Ch. 3, pp. 11-13}
Making a fire for cooking {Ch. 5, pp. 23-24, 28}
Red sunrise sky: (rain…or wildfires in the west?) {Ch. 6 pp. 33-34}
Telling time (and bedtime?) by the moon and stars {Ch. 7, p. 40}
Food Collecting eggs without upsetting the chickens, keeping eggs cool to avoid spoiling {Ch. 3, pp. 14-15}
Catching, preparing chicken for cooking {Ch. 5, pp. 23-28}
How to milk a cow {Ch. 6, pp. 31-32}
Making breakfast crepes {Ch. 6, pp. 34-35}
Mental Shortcuts Estimating, using written symbols such as > (greater than) and < (less than) and rules of thumb and come in handy when you don’t need to be exact {Ch. 1, p. 5; Ch. 6, p. 34}
Technology in its Place Foregoing apps to exercse mental agility {Helpful Hints; Next Adventure, p. 50}
Productive activity to earn an income or give back to society
Farmer Uncle Frank and Aunt Martha share their rural life with the Maloneys {Chs. 3-7}
Food Chemist Dad explains that “dry ice” is colder than ice made from water {Ch. 8, pp. 44-45}
Air Force Pilot (retired) Grandpa’s quick reflexes reflect his skills as a pilot {Ch. 8, p. 46}
Butcher Mr. Jake’s gift of cow eyeballs delights Mallory, makes Melody queasy {Ch. 4, pp. 20-22}

E-I-E-I-Uh Oh VALUES/BEHAVIORS Core Discipline

E-I-E-I-Uh Oh LIST 4 is an at-a-glance bulleted list. It offers a quick look at the Values/Behaviors Knowledge Gateways in bold, followed by their Discovery Paths that appear in E-I-E-I-Uh Oh.

E-I-E-I-Uh Oh LIST 4.  VALUES/BEHAVIORS Discovery Paths and Knowledge Branches
  • Morals/Ethics: Honesty/Truth; Family Loyalty
  • Emotions: Sense of Humor; Anticipation; Patience; Self-Satisfaction; Concern for Others; Serenity
  • Mind: Calmly Assessing a Situation; Intuition
  • Body: Healthy Aging; Balance/Stability
  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills: Acquiring Knowledge; Sharing Knowledge
  • People: Respect; Generosity; Helping with Chores; Friendly Atmosphere; Hospitality
  • Planet: Research; Pollution; Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle

E-I-E-I-Uh Oh TABLE 4 includes the major Values/Behaviors Knowledge Gateways (light green background) occurring in all the chapters of E-I-E-I-Uh Oh .

The left column shows each Knowledge Gateway and one or more associated Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches, where they occur, appear indented below the major Discovery Path. These branches (and sometimes sub-branches) are divisions of the major Discovery Path; they represent increasingly-specific fields.

The right column offers brief definitions of each Values/Behaviors Knowledge Gateway. Following each Knowledge Gateway are Knowledge Nuggets (mini- or pop-up lessons). These lessons correspond to the Discovery Path and any Discovery Path Branches that appear directly across in the the left column.

Internal character, beliefs
Honesty/Truth Mallory sneaks into a really cold situation {Ch. 4, pp. 17-19}
Melody pretends she doesn’t know where her brother went {Ch. 4, p. 18}
The twins worry that Mr. Jake knows about Mallory’s sneaking into the meat locker {Ch. 4, p. 20}
Family Loyalty Melody doesn’t snitch on her brother’s rash behavior {Ch. 4, p. 18}
EMOTIONS Feelings, sentiment, intuition
Sense of Humor Melody seizes a fun opportunity as she milks a cow {Ch. 6, p. 32}
Mallory enjoys Grandpa’s “remains to be seen” comment about getting his eyes tested {Ch. 8, p. 46}
Anticipation Mallory loves food, excited about seeds growing to edibles {Ch. 1, p. 3}
Patience “You IDGIT!” Melody uses a parent-friendly term of frustration with her brother {Ch. 4, p. 19}
Self-Satisfaction Mallory is proud to remember the name of the chemical inside the brown bottle under the sink {Ch. 2, p. 7}
Concern for Others Grandpa wonders about Melody’s rare resistance to heat {Ch. 2, p. 7}
Grandpa reluctantly awakens the twins at 4 am to watch the cows being milked {Ch. 6, p. 30}
Serenity Grandpa reminds Mallory that some things are meant to be temporary {Next Adventure, p. 52}
MIND Rational, theoretical, analytical thinking
Calmly Assessing a Situation Mallory doesn’t lose his “cool” in the cold, dark meat locker {Ch. 4, pp. 18-19}
Intuition Melody and Mallory figures out how to look at the “big picture” {Ch. 7, p. 38}
BODY Health, bodily strengh and movement
Healthy Aging Grandpa Mike realizes that his aging body limits his time with his grandchildren {Next Adventure, pp. 49-50}
Balance/Stability One thing Mallory seems to lack {Ch. 4, p. 19}
Pursuit and acquisition of understanding, wisdom, capabilities
Acquiring Knowledge Want to get the most out of your planned veggie garden? Read the seed package labels! {Ch. 1, p. 4}
Uncle Frank is curious about fuel cell cars {Ch. 4, p. 16}
Sharing Knowledge Some examples of adults and children telling each other what they’ve learned {Ch. 3, p. 12, 13-15; Ch. 5;  Ch. 7; Ch. 8}
Uncle Frank demonstrates the wonders of a hand water pump {Ch. 5, p. 24}
Uncle Frank points out some wonders of the night sky {Ch. 7, pp. 38-40}
PEOPLE Regard for, and relationships with, humankind
Respect Melody and Mallory learn to address Mom’s cousin Frank Uncle and his wife Martha as Aunt {Ch. 1, pp. 2-3}
Wet feathers may be “icky” but baked chicken is yummy {Ch. 5}
The Maloneys honor family war heros at the local cemetary on Memorial Day {Ch. 8, p. 42}
Mom chides Mallory for teasing Grandpa {Next Adventure, p. 49}
Generosity; Respect Carefully-selected gifts delight the farm family hosts {Ch. 3, p. 11}
Helping with Chores Maloneys all pitch in at the family farm, demonstrating that “Many hands make light work” {Ch. 6, p. 35; Ch. 8, p. 42}
Uncle Frank makes Sunday breakfast crêpes {Ch. 6, pp. 34-35}
Friendly Atmosphere The twins sense the kindness of the burley butcher {Ch. 4, p. 16}
Hospitality Aunt Martha invites the twins to spend several weeks on the farm to learn and to help out {Ch. 8, pp. 42-43}
PLANET Earth’s natural environment: living organisms, water, surface, subsurface, atmosphere
Research How can hydrogen make the traditional road trip less polluting? {Ch. 2, p. 5-8; Ch. 8, p. 47}
Dad reports on his road trip observations with the experimental car {Next Adventure, p. 48}
Pollution New technology makes road trips more friendly to the environment {Ch. 2, p. 5-8; Ch. 8, p. 47}
Light pollution doesn’t hide the stars on the farm {Ch. 7, p. 38}
Car pollution involves more than just fuel {Ch. 8, p. 47}
Reduce, Re-use, Recycle Mom packs reusable utensils, wash cloths for the roadside picnic lunch on the way home {Ch. 8, p. 42}

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